i. Matt has rejoined the band. LOOK:
His return was open-armed and open-hearted by all Total Victoryites.
ii. What is he working on? Something new for the estimable gentlefolk of Total Victory? (Yes). New album? No.
iii. Encouraged in most part by ML's touching advertorial feature, The Pyramid of Privilege gatefold is moving quite nicely over at our Bandcamp. Act now or pray for a repress.
iv. European tour 2019. We're very hopeful of getting this together soon enough. If it happens it will be after summer. A couple of minor details to sort out (work, dates, Brexit) but things look better than they did at the beginning of 2019.
v. UK shows. Statistics show that we are now more popular than ever in Britain. This could only happen to us in a year where did absolutely fuck-all. Anyway, we all decided that we need to play more UK shows and not just the usual spots. We may be coming to a city at least 60 miles from you, unless you live in Thurso or some shit.
vi. LP4. We have some songs.We need to get together and play the shit out of them. Make them sound like humans played them in the same room.