Friday, 15 November 2013


Greetings all.

- France tour was a great success on both a personal and musical level. Financial? We're not giving up the day jobs just yet. Regardless, we can't thank everybody involved in making it happen as much as we would like to. Needless to say we hope we can make it back one day.
- A tour diary is available to read here.
- A review of the final show is available to read here (French language).
- A photoset of the final show with Musicsova is available to view here.
- There are no more shows in 2013.
- National Service will be issued on vinyl in 2014.
- A third LP is being thrashed into shape and we hope to also release this in 2014.

Here is some assorted media.

dicking about in Dover
live in Lorient

with Fred of Berline0.33 in Rennes, post-tour crashout

Right we're going to shut the fuck up for a bit now, that's quite enough of us for this year.

TV / FRA / 2013

Me / I = Dan (sing)
ML = Matt Leonard (bass)
ME = Matt Evans (guitar)
James = James (drums)
MM = Martin (guitar)

Fans of rough and tumble rock diaries in the vein of Henry Rollins' benchmark Get In The Van, Steve Albini's in-character last slog around Europe with Big Black or Jon Wurster's trips around the US for Superchunk's website might find themselves a bit disappointed with the general alacrity contained within this write-up. However, when Make It A Little Bit Louder asked the band to do this, ME leapt at the opportunity to make me do some work in light of having no gear to carry or vans to drive. So, here it is, the largely unexpurgated diary of TV's first European tour, all 2600 words (approx.) of it, complete with pictures, links and diversions. Recommended commute reading.

Friday, 18 October 2013


For some reason I can't edit the shows bar at the side of this blog so this, as far as you are concerned, is the latest and most up-to-date news regarding Total Victory that there is and anything else is pure UK coalition government 2010-2015.

BOLTON: The Dog & Partridge
October 19th
w/Islands Lost At Sea, Chris Evans Collective + Friends, Blackjack Casino.
This is a special show in memory of our good friend Chris Evans. It's free entry, though you don't need to have known Chris to come down to enjoy the show. There's also a full night of acoustic performers on the 20th at the same venue.
location here

and then the band leave the North-West of England for only the second time in their six and a half year existence with a worn copy of GET IN THE VAN played at insulting volume.

LILLE: La Malterie
October 26th
w/Berline 0.33
location here
more here

PARIS: La Cantine de Belleville
October 27th
w/Berline 0.33 and Lleroy
location here


MARSEILLE: La Machine à Coudre
October 29th 
location here

October 30th
location here

LORIENT: Le Galion
October 31st
location here

RENNES: Le Bar'Hic
November 1st
location here

and then the band leave France and trudge back across their own sullen sub-continent, back to the North-West and their spiritual beginnings...

PRESTON: The Ferret
November 7th
w/MOJA and Cactus Knife
location here

Tuesday, 28 May 2013



- We're recording again. Slowly. No sense of a 'larger project' yet. Working with outsiders for the first time. It is time to move on a little.

- Live shows in Chorley with Glocks and Manchester with Rat Columns and Rank/Xerox coming soon.

- There are a couple of new-ish songs to stream here:

- here is a micro-clip from Wigan:

Here are some recent performance pics.

Dogstock 2013. photo by Louise Morris

Dogstock 2013. photo by Marc Barrick

Bay Horse, December 2012. photo by Em Bland.

Monday, 25 March 2013


We played a show! It included a new song! Crikey!

photo by Jude Jagger of excellent close-harmony trio The Bobbysocks

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Quick post

- three songs (two new, one live) streaming at
- some gigs announced, look to the left of the screen
- vinyl funding has reached target, we're going soon

Tuesday, 1 January 2013


The year is over. Sing hallelujah.

A year in which joy was heightened by cessation of the bitter navel-gazing and commemoration of post-industrial torpor. We've been together a while now despite making no money so we consider ourselves a band in the most profound sense, inasmuch as it seems preferential to hermitude despite appearing similar. 

The name of the band is lived-in now. There is mild anticipation of record releases in pockets of Europe but we cannot get shows in Leigh because the one band we know who played there (that we are neither fans of or friends with) have management who won't allow them to play there anymore.

original bands play on our sunday service which is the last sunday in every mth this sunday as its bank hol was sorted 6mth ago the last sun in sept is a punk day and the oct 1 i have not done yet the nov will be all classic rock bands and is for charity do you know any bands that play here as we may be able to get you a support slot ?
Our second album, National Service, came out. It was meant to be called Pre-Language but Disappears got to that title first. At least they did a good job with it. It's been well-received by Aural Delights, The Needle Drop, Bant, and K Fuel. It was less well-received by Stripwax, and was incomprehensibly-received by Little Indie Blogs.

More importantly: having gained some distance from it, we all still really like it. It's also coming out on vinyl in 2013. This is OFFICIAL NEWS. More soon.
The Bay Horse show

Some highlights from live shows
  • the Ballast III show in Manchester with Monster Island and Naked (On Drugs)
  • Codex Leicester being total champs
  • Dogstock weekend
  • Alan's Records re-opening and hosting a series of awesome and varied shows
Next on the slate is to regroup and relearn some old songs we've neglected and try to write some new ones.  It would be nice if they sounded different but no guarantees. New LP for 2013? I'd say chances are against it. Maybe something shorter. We haven't donned the slippers and told junior to fetch the pipe just yet though.

Happy new year.

Media appearances 2021

Hello everyone. We're still together in case you're wondering. LP4 is in front of us still and there's about 25 demos knocking a...